Educating and empowering women with Fibromyalgia to live her best life in a healthy and sustainable way.
Your time is NOW! You deserve to live the healthy life you've always wanted.
What could happen if you started to work WITH your fibromyalgia instead of against it? What if you could plan ahead when you have the most energy- whatever that looks like to you.
Are you making life difficult for yourself? More than it needs to be?
Well, here we are at the third secret to Thriving with Fibromyalgia. This month we’ll be talking about accepting your limitations. Of course, it seems like you have so many limitations with fibromyalgia so you’re left wondering what you actually CAN do!
Working with your fibromyalgia is when you can get off the crazy rollercoaster for a minute and start observing and paying attention.
When do I have the most energy in a day?
What are my triggers?
What makes me feel better?
What makes me feel worse?
Patterns will start to emerge. For example, 8:30-11:30AM are the most productive times for me. That’s the time I do focus work, creative work or chores and errands. For years I’d wake up early and do an intense workout. Now I’ve had to switch that time to after lunch and do a much gentler workout. I don’t do much in the evenings and need to say NO often to evening activities. After much studying, trial and error, and time, I’ve been able to set up my days to support me. I’ve learned to work with my fibromyalgia. My bad days and flare days are few and far between and less intense. But it wasn’t always like that.
Your day might look different than mine. That’s totally OK! Find what works best for you.
Learning to work with your fibromyalgia and paying attention to create the best routine, environment and structure for YOU.
A Fibro Girl’s Operation Manual course will help you to take a closer look at your triggers, your needs and how to work with and accept your limitations with fibromyalgia.
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