Sunflowers & Butterflies

But you don't look sick ...

Helping your people finally "GET" you

Does this sound like you?

  • You struggle with isolation every day and you feel like no one understands what you're going through

  • You struggle with communicating how fibromyalgia affects you every day and you feel frustrated.

  • You struggle with reacting to situations and you feel embarrassed

  • You struggle with enjoying life and you feel angry

What if things could be different?

How amazing would it be if you felt SUPPORTED by your people instead?

Your people often feel frustrated and helpless. They can see that you're suffering with fibromyalgia, but they don't know what to do about it. Imagine if they could just get you how much easier that would be for you?

How amazing would it be if you could SHARE your needs with confidence instead?

Sharing your weird and wacky (and totally unique) fibro needs to your people so they understand you and not think that you're some crazy, attention - seeking woman.

How amazing would it be if you ENJOYED social gatherings again instead?

Going out with your friends and having a great time-with no flares the next day because you took care of you! And your friends helped.

If you’re finding yourself nodding along to all this, you’re not alone…

Now is the time to get excited about communicating your needs with confidence.

You deserve to feel seen, heard and understood. Your needs matter.

Imagine sharing your unique needs with others in a way that feels good for everyone. You have more confidence. Your people GET you. You feel supported by them and they feel happy to help. Win Win!

Understanding Removes Fear. And you don't have to be that person who avoids social gatherings anymore.

Which is why I’m soooo excited to introduce:

A Fibro Girl's Operation Manual!

Here's your useable action plan so that your friends and family can FINALLY understand you! Maybe you don't talk about your fibromyalgia... or maybe you talk about it ALL. THE. TIME but it feels like no one gets you still. Then you feel frustrated and angry. Until now... Now you can share your needs with confidence and clarity in a way that you'll feel supported.

How many times have you had to cancel plans, be left alone while life is passing you by or say no to social gatherings? You're ready to take this step towards thriving with fibromyalgia by investing in YOU!

Here’s what you’ll get when you buy:



Your time is priceless and your energy is in short supply. Each lesson was designed with intention so that you can get the information you need and get doing the things that you love to do.



Sharing your needs in a way that feels good for you and your people so that you feel supported and heard and understood. So that your people feel like they're helping you too.


Feeling Human

Fibromyalgia has hijacked your life and stolen much from you. You deserve to feel like you're a part of something again. Like doing life again, going out with friends, enjoying time with family.


Practical Tools

Everyone needs tools in their toolkit to help them do their best work. You are no fact you need more tools with fibromyalgia so that you can succeed. Here's your Operation Manual.



Private community to ask your questions. Plus extra encouragement throughout the course. And email support while going through the course.



Understanding removes fear. Learning about your fibromyalgia and how affects you will give you the tools and confidence to manage it well instead of it ruling you. You can start to thrive with fibromyalgia.

Enroll now for just $97

I didn't get there by wishing for it or by hoping for it. I got there by working for it.

~Estee Lauder


What is included in this course?

There are three short lessons, plus a guidebook and extra encouragement along the way. In the end you'll be crafting your very own personal Operation Manual to share with your people so that you feel seen, heard and understood.

How much time will this take me?

Your energy is limited so each lesson is less than 10 minutes. You can binge all the lessons then do the work, or you can watch each lesson and do the task. The total course is approximately 30 minutes. Then plan for an extra 15 -30 minutes per day doing the work. It'll take you about 2-4 weeks to make your Operation Manual.

What if I get stuck?

Don't worry, you're not alone. You'll be part of a private community. You can ask your questions in there. And share your wins in there too. Plus you can just send an email. You deserve to succeed.

How long do I have access?

This course is yours. You'll have lifetime access to the course, any upgrades and the community. So work at your own pace. You'll be happy you did.

I'm not very techy.

That's ok. There's a step-by-step bonus guide to walk you through how to send your Operation Manual. Plus there's a template already made so that you can just fill it in. This is so easy for you

Why is this called an Operation Manual?

Basically you'll discover about your fibromyalgia and how it affects you daily. Then you can put that information into a guide so that your friends and family can understand your unique needs better. Kinda like the owner's manual of your car except its for you!

© Copyright 2024 Sunflowers & Butterflies.