I'm Krista

Educating and Empowering Women with Fibromyalgia to Eat Well and to Live her Best Life in a Healthy and Sustainable Way

Are you a woman who is suffering with fibromyalgia and you just want your life back?

Fibromyalgia sucks, and meds can make you feel worse, but healthy living is the secret to a life you’ll love…even with fibromyalgia! And that’s what I want for you!

I’m Krista (B.Ed (Fitness), IEWP), I’ve lived with fibromyalgia since 2018 and I take charge of it every day through healthy living habits. I’m an entrepreneur, single mom and outdoor lover. I teach women with fibromyalgia to live a healthy life she’ll love minus the pain, low energy or flares.

Fabulous Fibro Family is an online membership group especially for you to learn about all things healthy living with fibromyalgia. Want to live your best life? Want to take charge of your fibromyalgia so you can overcome it once and for all?

  1. Grab your FREE Owning Your Fibro Guide so that you can come to terms with your fibro. Remember that understanding removes fear and gives you power.

  2. Join Fabulous Fibro Family to start living your best (and Healthiest) life and get the boost you want through live check-ins, classes, healthy actions and more.

How I Can Help You:

  • Teaching small bits of information in a patient way

    • Living a healthy lifestyle with fibromyalgia

  • Managing many of my own chronic health conditions with proper nutrition

  • Learn to have a better relationship with food and how it relates to fibromyalgia

  • Show you how making small steps leads to a healthy life that is sustainable

  • Recognize that your health is in YOUR control


You only get one life, make the choice starting today to make it your best life.

© Copyright 2022 Sunflowers and Butterflies