Educating and empowering women with Fibromyalgia to live her best life in a healthy and sustainable way.

Your time is NOW! You deserve to live the healthy life you've always wanted.

Coffee Dates, Hugs & Phone Calls

Coffee Dates, Hugs & Phone Calls

May 12, 20241 min read

No More Excuses


That hug from a friend. That coffee date with your spouse. That phone conversation with a loved one.

coffee dates, hugs & phone calls

Have you noticed how much better you feel when you’ve had a meaningful connection with your people?

Hey Fibro Girl!

That hug from a friend. That coffee date with your spouse. That phone conversation with a loved one. 

Have you noticed how much better you feel when you’ve had a meaningful connection with your people? Whether you’re an introvert, like me, or an extrovert who loves being around people, connecting with those you love boosts your mood. 

What's Stopping You?

No doubt about it. Fibromyalgia makes connecting with others kinda tricky at times. You don’t know if you’ll have a good day or a bad day. If you’ll be in pain or not. If it’s a low energy day. But don’t let that stop you! There’s ALWAYS a way to make it work so that you can have those meaningful connections with the ones you love. It might just have to look different than the “traditional” way, but that’s ok.

Do This Today!

Who are you going to make a meaningful connection with today?


Krista- Your Thriving with Fibromyalgia Guide for Women

PS. Check out A Fibro Girl’s Operation Manual course so that you can feel seen, heard and understood. It’ll also help you to feel more confident in sharing your unique needs so that you can connect better with others too.

Other resources to help you get started with thriving with fibromyalgia

Healthy Habits For Fibromyalgia Checklist

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Sunflowers and Butterflies || Krista Ranne

Krista Ranne | B. Ed (fitness), IEWP | Healthy Living for Women with Fibromyalgia

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