Educating and empowering women with Fibromyalgia to live her best life in a healthy and sustainable way.

Your time is NOW! You deserve to live the healthy life you've always wanted.

Are your emotions with fibromyalgia keeping you sick?

Heal the Past - Heavy Emotions

February 09, 20252 min read

Releasing heavy emotions brings healing


Process those heavy fibro emotions to feel better today. You choose how to feel with fibromyalgia.

Are your emotions keeping you sick?

What happened in the past, should stay in the past...Umm, Keep reading to find out if that's true...

Hey Fibro Girl!

What happened in the past should stay in the past. 

Have you heard this before? I agree that we shouldn’t dwell in the past. It’s heavy, leads to depression and feeling awful. However, if you never clean out the garbage from the past, it will always affect you. It’s keeping you SICK!

How you are keeping yourself sick

It’s time to bring all that stuff and release it. Remove its power. Processing those heavy emotions is not fun during, but how much better you’ll feel afterwards is pretty awesome.

Are any of these keeping you sick?





🩶Worthiness & Value



🩶Rejection & Belonging

…and so much more.

**Again, remember there is NO SHAME in asking for help. Some of those heavy emotions might need the help of a trained therapist. There are many agencies that offer free or low cost  counseling services. You deserve to THRIVE!

Types of Therapy

I’ve spent many years in counseling and it has been Well Worth It! If talk therapy makes you feel uncomfortable, there’s plenty of other forms of therapy including but not limited to, 

  • Yoga therapy

  • Art therapy

  • Music therapy

  • Hypnosis

  • EFT (emotional freedom technique) tapping

  • And so much more. Yoga therapy was very beneficial to me.

Journaling is a wonderful free option to start processing those heavy emotions. Just write. Don’t censor or edit. Also download A Fibro Girl’s Guide to Taking Charge of Her Fibromyalgia to get you started if you’re feeling stuck


Krista- Your Thriving with Fibromyalgia Guide for Women

Other resources to help you get started with thriving with fibromyalgia

Healthy Habits For Fibromyalgia Checklist

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Sunflowers and Butterflies || Krista Ranne

Krista Ranne | B. Ed (fitness), IEWP | Healthy Living for Women with Fibromyalgia

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