Educating and empowering women with Fibromyalgia to live her best life in a healthy and sustainable way.

Your time is NOW! You deserve to live the healthy life you've always wanted.

Fibromyalgia and the past


July 14, 20242 min read

Healing takes Courage and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it. ~Tori Amos


When you think about healing, what comes to mind? Is it something that is for OTHER people? Is it something you try to avoid, or believe is out of reach for you?

Healing with Fibromyalgia

I'd like to invite you to explore the possibility of feeling Well....

Hey Fibro Girl!

Wondering about healing with fibromyalgia? Can you heal your fibro? Healing your past to have few fibro symptoms. Healing from the past can impact your fibromyalgia now.

Are you ready to begin healing?

💜From your past?

💜From your old, limiting beliefs?

💜From your hurts?

💜From thoughts & emotions not yet processed?

Believe it or not… the amount of healing you do (or haven’t done yet) is directly related to how you feel with fibromyalgia.
Healing. Is it all in your mind?

Chronic conditions like fibromyalgia are often a result of unhealed emotional pain. 

NO Joke!

The more healing you do the better you’ll feel. You’ll begin to notice some of your fibro symptoms becoming less or disappearing altogether! 

Starting the Process

Sometimes healing can be heavy and hard.  It’s a process and it can take a while. Keep Going! You totally deserve to feel better. Start by releasing all of that emotional garbage trapped deep within you.

A few loving words for you

A few loving words of caution when you begin a healing process:

🦋Take it S-L-O-W

🦋You don’t have to do it all at once (or get EVERYTHING out at once)

🦋Be gentle and kind with yourself

🦋You may feel worse before you feel better… that’s a good thing KEEP GOING🩷

🦋Some things take less time and feel easier than others; It’s OK to start with something easy at first

You are choosing to do this healing for YOU! You are so WORTHY of healing🥰

I know sometimes it can be hard to even know where to start. 

I’ve got you!

Download A Fibro Girl’s Guide to Taking Charge of Her Fibro to help you get started on your beautiful healing journey. 

REMEMBER: It’s OK to reach out for help from a professional, friend or someone you trust. You are not alone and you don’t have to do this alone. 


Krista- Your Thriving with Fibromyalgia Guide for Women

Other resources to help you get started with thriving with fibromyalgia

Healthy Habits For Fibromyalgia Checklist

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Sunflowers and Butterflies || Krista Ranne

Krista Ranne | B. Ed (fitness), IEWP | Healthy Living for Women with Fibromyalgia

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