Educating and empowering women with Fibromyalgia to live her best life in a healthy and sustainable way.
Your time is NOW! You deserve to live the healthy life you've always wanted.
The joy found in the simple things can brighten even the darkest of days ~ Allene vanOirschot
Tiny steps to finding joy again. Don’t let fibromyalgia steal your joy.
Allow joy and start to feel better with fibromyalgia
How did you do last week at finding joy in your days?
Hey, remember before fibromyalgia there were things you loved to do? And then life happened and fibromyalgia got in the way. So you just reconciled those things to the past.
It’s time to dust those things off and add more joy back into your life. Now a quick word of caution: You won’t be able to pick up where you left off… you’ll have to take tiny steps to get there.
Think of what brings you joy. How can you do the thing or enjoy the thing today?
For me it was dancing. I love to dance, but after fibromyalgia came into my life, I was too exhausted and in too much pain to think about dancing. One day a good tune came on and before I knew what was happening, I felt my body move to the music. I LOVED every beat of that song – and then I had to sit down and rest Of Course 🙄
It made me realize that even though it wasn’t the full song - I DID IT! And it made me so happy. Now, with all the tiny steps I’ve taken over the years to thrive, I can dance like no one’s watching- for many songs in a row… and go for a walk… and paddle… and hike and more!
What brings you joy? How can you start small to do that for yourself today?
If you’re having trouble even knowing how to get started, download A Fibro Girl’s Guide to Taking Tiny Steps
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