Educating and empowering women with Fibromyalgia to live her best life in a healthy and sustainable way.
Your time is NOW! You deserve to live the healthy life you've always wanted.
What's for Supper?
Feed yourself (and your family) without sacrificing your precious energy. You’ve gotta do it… so why not make it easy?
You’ve been busy all day, your energy is zapped. You realize that you forgot to stop for lunch, and now it’s dinner. You’re starving and cranky (and so is everyone else)! And they want food NOW!
‘Cause we’ve all been there before, am I right?🥴😬
That’s why planning meals has been a HUGE Game Changer for me. And for my energy.
Meal planning can be as easy or elaborate as you’d like. (I’d suggest keeping it easy for now). It’s amazing how taking a few minutes each week saves sooo much time and energy!
You’ll know what:
Groceries you need
You’re making every day
Foods to thaw out
Time is best for you prepare when you have the most energy
Last week we talked about planning out your energy… so by planning your meals you’ll actually SAVE your energy.
You can actually make many meals or at least pieces of the meal earlier in the day without feeling like you’re eating leftovers. Maybe after lunch you have some energy to chop veggies, or make the sauce, or cook the rice. Doing what you can when you have the most energy will definitely save you from those awful Hangry meltdowns later on. You’re someone who’s in charge of her energy and you use it well. And that includes planning your meals.
Wouldn’t it feel better if you didn’t have to answer the “What’s for Supper” question ever again and you could prepare them when they suit you? Think of the stress and overwhelm that would disappear all because you planned your energy AND your meals. Ahhhh…that feels better!
Is meal planning something that you’d like to learn more about? Would you find it useful and interesting if you had the tools to help you plan out your meals? Email me at and let me know if you'd like to learn more.
PS. Connect with us in our private community for women just like you who want to start thriving with fibromyalgia. Join HERE
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