Educating and empowering women with Fibromyalgia to live her best life in a healthy and sustainable way.

Your time is NOW! You deserve to live the healthy life you've always wanted.

Fibromyalgia & Tiny Habits

Tiny Habits

July 01, 20242 min read

Tiny Steps in the Right Direction


Want to thrive with fibromyalgia? Take tiny steps to fibro wellness.

Tiny Habits for Fibromyalgia

Begin something new. Start small, start where you are, start today.

Hey Fibro Girl!

A new month! And Summer is here! I don’t know about you, <<First Name>>, but I love the beginning of a new month. New goals, new calendar page…

1. New Month Habits

I’ve started doing things specifically on the first day of each month. Here’s some of the things I do: 

💫 paint my nails

💫 change my car CDs

💫 decide how I want to move my body this month

💫 plan out my fun things

💫 set up coffee dates with my friends

💫 review last month

💫 make goals in business and personal life for the month ahead

A new month is a great time to start a tiny new habit. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. Just pick one tiny thing you’d like to begin this month and Do It! 

2. Don't Let Your Fibromyalgia Stop You!

Maybe you want to start drinking more water, so you’re going to take a sip every time you see your water bottle.

Maybe you want to move your body more, so you’re going to begin by taking a short walk after lunch. Or put on your favourite song and dance like no one’s watching you in your living room. 

It doesn’t matter what tiny habit you’d like to begin just so long as it’s something that makes you feel good. 

Remember: Start Small, Start where you are and Start today!

If you’re wondering where to start or just want someone to tell you what to do, I’ve got you. Get your Fibro Girl’s Guide to Taking Tiny Steps right here


Krista- Your Thriving with Fibromyalgia Guide for Women

Other resources to help you get started with thriving with fibromyalgia

Healthy Habits For Fibromyalgia Checklist

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Sunflowers and Butterflies || Krista Ranne

Krista Ranne | B. Ed (fitness), IEWP | Healthy Living for Women with Fibromyalgia

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